That means that, on average, UK residents spend £35 each on cycling kit every year. Of course, many people either don't cycle or (in the case of children) don't spend money on it, so the figure per cyclist will be much higher.
For their Project Velo report, Allegra Strategies looked at consumer spending on bikes and accessories
Allegra reckon that by the end of 2010, some four million bikes will have been sold in the UK – a huge increase overprevious years. They say retail sales growth overall has exceeded15 percent in the past 12 months.
The average price of an adult bike
The report cites a number of factors for the rise in cycling spending.These include increased fuel and motoring costs which, along with the Cycle to Work scheme (a salarysacrifice system giving employees a substantial discount on bike purchase), haveencouraged the use of bikes for commuting and attracted new cyclists.
In fact, morethan 50 percent of Cycle to Work vouchers are used by people who are new to the sport. More women are apparently taking to two wheels because of the fitness benefits, and the rise of electric bikes is expected to convert more people to (electrically assisted) pedal power.
Bike Europe figures show that UK cyclesales (not including accessories) bobbed around at between 3.3 and 3.5 million for the five years up to2008 (the last year statistics are available for). There were reports of a boom in 2009, with increased demand and stockshortages. However, organisations were divided over how much the market was worth that year – Halfords said £350m, Mintel said £282m and the Association of Cycle Traders said £750m-£1bn.
Halfords is still the UK’s largest bike retailer, with 14 percent ofthe market. Online store Chain Reaction Cycles is now the second largest, with a 90 percent increase in growth, while the Evans chainis the fastest growing High Street retailer.
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