Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Right Pace for Pedalling

The force necessary for the bike to move forward on the track is measured in watts. The increase or decrease of the number of watts is tightly connected to the strength and to the pace, the bike covering longer distances if the number of revolutions per minute is larger and if the cyclists pedals strongly. There are also two kinds of muscle fibres involved, but the balance between them is not so well-known. This proportion is also genetically determined. The balance between fast and slow fibres not only varies from one person to another, but it can vary with the same person, from one muscle to another, which is why it sometimes more difficult for some people to develop some of their groups of muscles as compared to others.

The white fibres, also known as the slow fibres, use fats as fuel, they are very resistant when it comes to effort and they recover fast once the activity is interrupted. On the other hand, the red fibres or the fast ones use glycogen as fuel, this substance being deposited in the muscles, but the amount deposited is quite small. We are talking about two thousand calories with a very well-trained sportsman. Now, let's just imagine that we have to put wood on the fire. We have thick pieces which burn slowly and fur tree branches which burn fast, but also make an impressive flame. We use the wood depending on how we want the fire to burn. Training session allow cyclists to extend their wood warehouse. The short tours allow them to use the red fibres and the long ones require the white ones. Finally, everything is just as it should be as long as the warehouse is not empty.

View the original article here

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